W H A T :   K i d s   S m a l l   G r o u p s

W H E N :   S u n d a y   m o r n i n g s

W H E R E :   K i d ' s   M i n i s t r y   B u i l d i n g

                                   ( b u i l d i n g   b e h i n d   t h e   c h u r c h )

T I M E :   9 : 0 0  a m

2-year-olds through 5th graders meet in their various classrooms  to go on an exciting adventure through the Bible so they can know, obey, and defend God's Word and love Christ with all their heart, soul, and mind.

W h a t   t o   e x p e c t   w h e n   y o u   b r i n g   y o u r

k i d s   t o   S m a l l   G r o u p

When you arrive at Central Baptist Church, you can park in the back or side parking lot and enter through the main doors of the Kid's Ministry Building. When you enter the building our awesome volunteers will be there to greet you, help you with check in, and help get your children to their appropriate classroom. If you are new, you are asked to complete a simple information sheet so we can get you check in and on your way. 

Children who are under 2-years-old can be check in at the nursery which is located in the main hallway of the church building.

D u r i n g   t h e   h o u r . . .

After your child is shown to their classroom they will meet their Small Group Leader and be engaged through games to get to know other kids in their Small Group (arranged by grade) and then dig into God's word in a relevant and practical way for kids. After the Small Group hour, all the kids will gather in larger groups and continue to learn about the same topic discussed in Small Group.

c o n t a c t   u s

Do you still have more questions about

the Kids Bible Study here at Central?

No problem. Click here to email our

Children's Pastor Brian Davis.