W E E K L Y   I M P A C T   G R O U P S

Impact Groups give you the opportunity to take the weekly sermon and put it into action for maximum impact in your life! You’ll meet together on a weekly basis with 10-15 other people to clarify your understanding of the sermon passage for the week, find ways to apply it and make disciples, and pray together for God to work in a powerful way for His glory. We will continue with having both online groups and groups that meet in homes. Sign up for whichever you are most comfortable! 

All 4 Chairs of disciplemaking are at work in Impact Groups:

Connect, Grow, Serve, Disciple!

Check out all of the Groups that are available at discovercentral.org/groups.

SPRING 2023 Study Guide


c o n t a c t   u s

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about Adult Ministry here at

Central? No problem. Click here

to email our Adult & Administrative

Pastor Ethan White.